Basic RDoc format

# Foo.
# @example
#   y
#   g
# @param [String] param_name The xx and xx.
# @see
# @return [true] if so

Hash parameters

# @param [Hash] opts the options to create a message with.
# @option opts [String] :subject The subject
# @option opts [String] :from ('nobody') From address
# @option opts [String] :to Recipient email
# @option opts [String] :body ('') The email's body

Parameter types

# @param (see User#initialize)
# @param [OptionParser] opts the option parser object
# @param [Array<String>] args the arguments passed from input. This
#   array will be modified.
# @param [Array<String, Symbol>] list the list of strings and symbols.
# @param [Hash<Symbol, String>] a hash with symbol keys and string values
# The options parsed out of the commandline.
# Default options are:
#   :format => :dot


# @raise [AccountBalanceError] if the account does not have
#   sufficient funds to perform the transaction


{ObjectName#method optional title}
{Class::CONSTANT My constant's title}
See Models::User@Examples


def input # :nodoc:
module MyModule # :nodoc: all

Definition lists

# == Definition lists
# list::  hi.
# +foo+:: parameterized
# == Definition lists
# [foo]   also
# [bar]   like this

Return types

# @return [String]
# @return [String, nil] the name


# :call-seq:
#   ARGF.readlines(sep=$/)     -> array
#   ARGF.readlines(limit)      -> array
#   ARGF.readlines(sep, limit) -> array
#   ARGF.to_a(sep=$/)     -> array
#   ARGF.to_a(limit)      -> array
#   ARGF.to_a(sep, limit) -> array


# :category: Utilities


# :section: Expiry methods
# methods relating to expiring

def expire!
def expired?

Using tomdoc

# :markup: TomDoc

Place this at the beginning of the file.

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